Tuesday 16 July 2013

Fenrir (Fenris)

Fenrir is also known as Fenris or Fenrisulfr. He is a giant wolf of Norse (Viking) mythology, and one of the children of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboda. He is much larger than a normal wolf, some tales claim he is even twice as large. As a result of his size he has been described as a monster. His father, Loki, is the god of mischief and trickery. As a result, his children have all been troublesome.
The gods heard of a great prophecy that involved Fenrir. The prophecy was that Fenrir would destroy the world with the help of his family. He would devour all in his path, and his two children would eat the sun and the moon. As Fenrir grew much faster than a normal wolf, the gods became very worried, and attempted to lock him in a cage when he was just a cub. Only the god of war, Tyr, dared to approach him and feed him.
When Fenrir was no longer a cub they had no choice but to free him. Yet, they were still worried about the prophecy about Ragnarok (the end of the world), as it involved Fenrir. They decided to chain him up in an attempt to prevent the prophecy from coming to pass. They realised it would be impossible to force him to submit, as he was too strong. Instead, they challenged Fenrir to break through a metal chain in order to prove his strength. Fenrir accepted the challenge, eager to show off and boast about his superiority. He easily broke free and laughed.
This left the gods in despair, but they did not give up. Instead, they went to the dwarves for help. They asked them to create a chain that could not be broken, and the dwarves came up with a giant ribbon. The ribbon was made from the footstep of a cat; the roots of a mountain; a woman's beard; the breath of fishes; the sinews of a bear; and a bird's spittle. They challenged Fenrir again, but he was reluctant, suspecting trickery from the gods. Eventually he agreed, but only because he feared the gods would think he was weak. He could not break free, and has remained there ever since.
At Ragnarok Fenrir will finally break free, and help destroy the world. He will swallow Odin, the king of the gods, before being killed by Odin's son.
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Sunday 14 July 2013


The Valkyries are supernatural beings found in Norse (or Viking) mythology. The Vikings were northern Germanic peoples, who lived in modern Scandinavia. Their main homelands were Norway and Denmark, but there were also many settlements in today's Sweden and even Finland. They were an expansionist people, and founded settlements in Russia, Iceland, England and Scotland, Ireland, Greenland, and even North America. This resulted in their mythology spreading over a large area, and resulted in certain differences in some creatures and tales. The Valkyrie does have different attributes in different places, but the underlying features remain the same.
Valkyries are female warriors, and are servants of the god Odin. They are usually depicted with flaming red hair, although some artwork shows them with the more common fair hair of the north. They are almost always shown dressed in battle armour, often made of bronze or a similarly-coloured metal. This helps protect them from evil, and the likes of other enemies. Some are also shown with white or golden wings, as they must travel between this world and that of the gods, Valhalla. Other tales claim they ride horses with wings, sometimes identified as creatures in likeness to Pegasus.
The Valkyries have a crucial duty; one that is supposedly of the utmost importance. According to Viking legends, evil and good are locked in a never-ending war. In the final days, there will be a great battle to decide the fate of the heavens and the Earth. The world will crumble, and this time is called "Ragnarok". From these ashes a new world will rise from the oceans, and will be filled with light.
It is the job of the Valkyries to train and prepare warriors for this final battle. To do this, they visit battlefields on Earth, where many soldiers are dying. From these they pick a select few to take back to Valhalla. Some tales describe how the Valkyries may even join in the battles, to ensure they choose only the best warriors. To prepare these warriors for the final battle, the Valkyries force the fallen soldiers to fight in Valhalla. These fights may be against other fallen warriors, the Valkyries themselves, or even some lesser gods. The Valkyries show these warriors to Odin and Freya, in the hope they are suitable. Half of the warriors are actually chosen by Freya herself, as she has been known to visit the battlefields of Earth.
For more information visit:
And for information on Ragnarok: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/r/ragnarok.html

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Philippine Dragon (Bakunawa)

The Philippine Dragon is known as the Bakunawa. It is found all over the Philippines, but surprisingly, not many Filipinos have heard of it today. This is due to westernization, and the more popular European and Oriental dragons took over. Indeed, if you were to ask a Filipino what they thought of when you said "dragon", they would usually say the European or Chinese dragon. There is no known origin for the Bakunawa, as it bears no resemblance to any Oriental dragons.
The Bakunawa is essentially a sea-serpent. It resides in the oceans surrounding the Philippines, and also some other islands in the region. Legends say that it tries to eat the moon regularly, which is why we have eclipses. One version says that there were seven moons, but the Bakunawa was stunned by their luminescence, and tried to swallow them. To scare off the Bakunawa, locals crash pans and pots, as well as singing. This version also claims that the Bakunawa ate men, on certain occasions.
A second legend claims that the Bakunawa had a sister; the sea turtle. The turtle would lay eggs on an island and then swim back to sea. However, each time she came to shore the sea followed her, and the island got smaller and smaller. The locals killed the turtle, and the Bakunawa was furious. It tried to eat the moon, but the locals crashed pots and pans to scare it off. the moon was regurgitated, and the Bakunawa fled.
The third version is that the Bakunawa fell in love with a mortal girl. The tribe chieftain was furious about their affair, and destroyed their house. When the Bakunawa found out it tried to eat all twelve moons, but before it could eat the last one the god Bathala banished it to the sea. An eclipse occurs when the Bakunawa tries to return home.
The Bakunawa supposedly has a mouth the size of a lake. It also has a giant red tongue, whiskers, gills, wires at the side, two sets of wings. One pair is grey in colour, and very large, whilst the other pair is small and found at the lower end of its body.
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Monday 1 July 2013


The golem is found in Jewish mythology, and has now spread all over the world. Today, the golem is a very popular figure in the Czech Republic, particularly the capital, Prague. Many restaurants and hotels have been named after this creature, as the people are fascinated with the golem. This may be due to large Jewish population that resided in the area, mainly before World War 2. This allowed their tales to spread, and legends of creatures such as the golem were incorporated into local traditions and beliefs. Today many know of the golem, and Terry Pratchett evens talks about them in his Discworld Novels, in particular, the book; "Feet of Clay".
A golem is a man-like creature that is made from a dead material. Usually this is earth or rock, although it could be wood. Unlike a troll, which some believe is also made of rock, it can not feel, unless given life. It is essentially a robot, willingly doing what it is told. These 'slaves' however sometimes became too strong, and many were destroyed. Some Rabbis created them to gain power, but it usually went wrong. In size they are around the same size of a human, usually larger. The average height is 2 metres, but as it must be created, it is assumed they can be any size.
To create a golem you must carve out a hominid shape out of some material. You must then burn it in a special furnace; to harden it, and give it great strength. After this, the word "emet" must be written on its forehead, or alternatively, you could carve the word onto a stone tablet and place it in the golem's mouth. This would bring it to life. Emet means truth, and thus to deactivate it you must take out the letter "aleph" from the word. This changes the meaning to death. However, you may also remove the stone tablet to deactivate the golem.
Golem's are unable to speak, despite numerous attempts to change this. The first golem was Adam, as God created him from the earth. However, after placing a soul into Adam, he became a man. Other tales claim that God tried twelve times to create the perfect man, and one of these attempts resulted in the first golem. Unfortunately, as the golem never stopped growing, many were deactivated and destroyed. This was intended as a warning to men, so that they may be wary of creating such a creature.
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Saturday 29 June 2013


The hell-hound is a creature of mystery, death, and more. It is found all over Europe, particularly the British Isles and northern Europe. However, it is most remembered for its role in Greek mythology. They were said to live in the Underworld, also known as Hades. They guard the exits, and the dead. Perhaps the most famous hell-hound is Cerberus, the three-headed giant that guarded the entrance to the land of the dead.
The hell-hound is always black in colour, with its fur like the night. Indeed, that is where it spends most of its time. Various tales tell of different numbers of heads. The most common is one, and yet there are others, such as Cerberus, who have three, or even more. The hell-hound will have red eyes, that glow with malice. A foul stench also surrounds the beast, warning those ahead of their impending doom. They are also very strong. Speed is another attribute to which few can match it, as they are said to be able to outrun wild stallions and lift one too, with its jaws.
In nearly all cultures that mention the hell-hound it has been associated with death and the afterlife. Early Christianity claimed it was the beast that guarded the gates to hell, and Greek mythology stated they guarded the dead spirits in Hades. They also have a strong association with fire. Eyes are said to be the window to one's soul, and if that were true, it would certainly fit with the hell-hound. A soul of deadly fire is reflected in the burning orbs called eyes, ever-flickering in the black night.
It is this ever-looming presence of death that has led to one particularly gruesome legend. It is said that were you to catch sight of a hell-hound three times or more, your death was imminent, and very soon. It is also said that if you were to hear or see its howl, your death was nigh. They often wander graveyards, and thus it was sometimes said they would only howl in such a place.
Despite their preferences for places of death, the hell-hounds were also seen wandering ordinary streets. You may have come home late from a party, and be on your way home. Suddenly, the air turns cold, and you feel a looming presence. Red lights appear from nowhere, and a dark shape moves. You scream, and watch as a giant beast runs away. It does not run in fear, rather, it has warned you, death is everywhere.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Germanic and Scandinavian Dragons (Lindworm)

The lindworm is a type of dragon found in both Germanic and Scandinavian mythology. Due to Nordic and Viking expansion, tales of the lindworm also spread to the British Isles, particularly areas such as Mercia. The lindworm was first found in northern Germany, Denmark, and southern Norway, but soon spread across all of Scandinavia and the Germanic lands. In Old Norse it was known as the linnormr, which translates roughly as "constrictor snake". In Norwegian it is known as the linnorm dragon, in Danish it is the lindorm serpent, in German it is Lindwurm, and in Swedish it is known as the lindorm.
It is said to have either two or no legs. When it is depicted with legs, they are always fore-legs, rather than hind-legs. The lindworm also has two large wings on its back, ejecting from its shoulder blades. It is otherwise very similar in appearance to that of a large serpent. It supposedly has a venomous bite, that kills instantaneously. Their mouths are also considerably large, being able to swallow a man whole. Its feet were similar to that of hawks or lions, and again of considerable size. There varying tales of the nature and character of the lindworm. Some legends claim it is filled with evil and malice, whereas others state it is gentle and kind. In many Germanic and Scandinavian tales the lindworm was seen as an omen of doom and death, despite others claiming it was the exact opposite. These tales claimed the creature was a symbol of luck and good fortune, and should be treated with due respect, as well as kindness. Despite these two conflicting arguments, there were no particular areas in the region which thought of the lindworm as either good or bad. In Britain it was seen as a completely evil creature, mainly due to the Norse invasions with their dragon long-ships, but everywhere on the continent was mixed in views. One village may say they are terrible beasts, but another just a few miles away may claim they are great creatures, worthy of reverence.
There are several tales of the origins of the lindworm. One Germanic legend states that a man became so filled with evil he turned into a malevolent beast. Other tales hold that they are descended from Slavic and other European dragons. There are some who believe that it is its own species, and not a descendent from some other dragon. The explanation offered by the scientific community is that the local tribes saw some dinosaur bones, and as they did not know what they were, made up fantastic tales of great beasts that roamed the sky. Make up your own mind!
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Sunday 23 June 2013


There are three main types of the sphinx known to us today. There is the Egyptian, the Greek, and the Asian/Indian. It is said that the Egyptian form was the first, and that from there it spread over the Levant, Anatolia, and Persia, before reaching India and the South-East of Asia. It then spread to Greece, particularly Boeotia, and the City of Thebes. With its spread over the Ancient World, many of its features changed. Although the basic underlying features remained, nearly everything else differed in the three main cultures.
The Egyptian sphinx is perhaps the most famous. Many have heard of the Great Sphinx at Giza, where it stands guard over the pyramids. In Egyptian mythology the sphinx is said to have the body of a lion, and the head of a Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is the name for the Egyptian King and the god Horus reborn, and so the Sphinx was considered to be very powerful. There were many of these creatures, and they lived all over Egypt. They even gained their own cults, and one such cult was located in Thebes, Thebais, Egypt. The Egyptian sphinx was considered kind and gracious, guarding important landmarks and the tombs of the dead. However, if someone were to provoke it, they would be dead within mere minutes.
The Asian sphinx is probably the least well known of the three. It is similar to its Egyptian counterpart, but with wings. They were usually depicted with the head of a Persian Emperor, or someone of great importance. Some believe that the Asian sphinx was in fact influenced by the Greeks, but much evidence goes against this. They are usually benevolent, but can be very dangerous and fierce. They have a short temper in comparison to the Egyptian sphinx, but their kindness knows no bounds. Unlike in Egypt and Greece, there are still many cults that worship the sphinx today. Places such as India and South-East Asia are still largely influenced by local traditions dating back thousands of years, so it is no surprise the sphinx is considered very much alive. However, it is not known as the sphinx, rather, it is called the purushamriga, which is Sanskrit for man-beast.
The final sphinx is that of Greece. There is only one, and it is female. Like the Asian sphinx, it has wings, but also the head of a woman. She is considered destructive and a creature of pure malice, destroying anything in her path. She is said to be the child of Chimaera and Orthus, but a pet of the goddess Hera. The city of Thebes in Boeotia, not to be confused with the Egyptian Thebes, had angered Hera, so she sent the sphinx to terrorise the people. It sat in front of the city gates, refusing to let anyone enter or leave. She would remain there until someone could answer her riddle. This riddle was "What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?", and has become quite famous today. No-one could answer, and she ate all those who failed. Until one day, a man named Oedipus approached and gave the answer, man. The sphinx was so infuriated someone had bested her, she threw herself off a cliff and died.
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Tuesday 18 June 2013

El Chupacabra

The chupacabra is also known as "el chupacabra" and "goat-sucker". In Spanish, chupacabra actually means to suck goat, from chupar; to suck, and cabra; goat. It was first spotted in Puerto Rico, 1994. Since then it has spread over Mesoamerica, southern United States, and northern regions of South America. It is mainly found in "Latino" populations, hence the Spanish name.
It originally killed goats, but rather than eating it, it sucked out all of the blood and left the bodies intact. It made its way as far as Chile, and began eating other livestock. The chupacabra has now even begun eating dogs and larger creatures. Fortunately, no human attacks have been reported. There have been many attacks, one of the worst sprees was in 1995. There were 35 sightings in Cavanas, Puerto Rico, alone. There were also many in Florida the same year.
There have been many different descriptions of the chupacabra. However, they all have some common features. It has green or grey skin, with either a leather hide or scales. It has sharp spines running down its back, and a forked tongue. Its face is similar to that of a dog. It is supposedly bipedal, meaning it stands on two legs, and can jump up to twenty feet. Its size varies from 3 to 6 feet, and to travel it hops, much like our beloved kangaroo.
The origins of this creature are shrouded in mystery. Some believe it is simply a new vampire like species of mammal, and is only part of the evolutionary process. Some believe they are alien experiments or pets, perhaps even aliens themselves. Some have even claimed they are dinosaurs. A less well known theory is the idea they are experiments gone wrong. As the American government has many bases in Puerto Rico, the idea is fairly feasible. The Americans have been known to experiment on strange things, particularly on the island. Others think it is simply a creature of imagination, despite the numerous sightings.
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Wednesday 12 June 2013

Indian Dragons (Nāga)

The Indian Dragon is called the Nāga, or Nāgi, or Nāgini. The Nāga fed on the elephants of India. It is found in both India and South-East Asia. This is due to the fact that it is found in both Hinduism and Buddhism. With their increasing influence spreading to areas such as the Philippines circa 400-500 C.E., ancient traditions and beliefs were not far behind. This resulted in the Nāga being found in the South-East, with only the slightest differences in character.
The Nāga is a deity or semi-divine spirit in the form of a great serpent. They have the ability to change into several forms. These are; a human, a king cobra, a half-human half-serpent, and a large dragon-serpent. In their human form the Nāgis are able to marry and have children with mortal men. Many ancient dynasties claimed descent from such a union. In their mixed form they have the body of a human from the waist up, and that of a serpent from the waist down. The head is that of a human. In their dragon form they have no legs or arms, nor any wings.
Nāgas are immortal, being divine creatures. They are said to hold great wisdom, and live under the waters. They reside great palaces in oceans and lakes, guarding the area. They are also Guardians of the Rain, and ensure there is enough. However, they may also cause a drought, due to a lack of respect for them. Some also protect important figures such as The Buddha, and Vishnu, a Hindu god.
There are many Nāgas in the Buddhist faith. With the spread of Buddhism, the Nāgas were incorporated into local beliefs. Places such as Tibet already had legends of great serpents, and the Nāga was simply made as the same creature. The main Nāga in Buddhism is called Mucalinda, who protects The Buddha whilst he meditates. In Buddhism only some Nāgas live in the water. The rest live among humans or on Mount Sumeru, with other lesser deities.
In Hinduism the Nāga are considered Protectors of Nature, guarding places linked to water, such as wells and rivers. They also guard treasure of the material and immaterial worlds. They are found in the Pātāla, the seventh dimension or realm. They are also the guardians of the Elixir of Life and Immortality. Despite their strength, they are not aggressive toward the human race. Unless they are threatened or harmed, of course.
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Sunday 9 June 2013


The Basilisk originated in Greek mythology, supposedly being found in the Greek colony of Cyrene, Libya. It was later adopted by the Romans, Pliny even mentioned it in his "Natural History". It became very well known and popular during the Middle Ages, and was adopted by Christians. Christians used it as the serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, although that is now largely unknown, with modern day Christians believing it was only an ordinary snake. It is described as being the King of all Serpents.
The Basilisk is the result of a snake's or toad's egg being incubated by a cockerel. The Cockatrice, its cousin, however, is a chicken's egg incubated by a serpent or toad. In antiquity the Basilisk was a small serpent, "being not much more than twelve fingers in length". However, during Medieval Europe it began to take features of the cockerel as its own.
In antiquity it is said to be like a snake in appearance, with a white spot in the middle of its forehead. In the Middle Ages however, the appearance changed drastically. It was depicted with bird wings and two legs of a chicken. Some images also show it as having the head of a cockerel with a crest.
The Basilisk is said to kill all those that looked upon it. Its eyes had the ability to turn people to stone, and its very breath was venomous. The stench caused all living things to die. The bite is also said to be lethal. It has large curved fangs that contain a deadly venom. This venom needs only mere seconds to go through the body of the victim before the unfortunate creature dies. When there are no animals it turns upon plants, which wither and die before it. The only plant able to resist the terrible odour is the Rue plant, a shrub.
Fortunately there are several ways to defeat this beast. It is said that if it hears the crow of a cockerel it will fall to the ground in agony and die. Its reflection is also enough to kill it, as no creature is immune to the terrible stare, not even the Basilisk. That is, apart from the weasel. The weasel is the only creature that may see the monster and slay it, as even the cockerel will die when it is near the Basilisk. The stench of the urine of the weasel is enough to intoxicate the Basilisk, striking it dead. Unfortunately, the weasel will also die.
Today it is believed the Basilisk is a creature of imagination, possibly a result of tales of the Far East and exotic serpents such as the King Cobra. But if it kills you when you are near it, how will you know? Could it be real? Make up your own mind...
For more information, visit:

Wednesday 5 June 2013


The leprechaun is found in Ireland, originally however, the tales were only found in the north of the isle, particularly Leinster. They were said to have originated in a magical island found in the ocean. They migrated to Ireland and decided to stay. Many legends link their arrival with that of the Tuatha Dé Danann, a magical race that invaded Ireland in ancient times. There have been sightings of the leprechauns since the 8th century.
Until the 20th century the leprechaun was depicted as wearing a red and gold coat, rather than today's popular green and gold. The leprechaun is often male, although females do exist. The female is also much harder to find. The leprechaun is very small, usually around 75cm, and humanoid in appearance. They often have red hair, as is traditional with the Irish. The males also have beards in most cases, which can be of considerable length and are the same colour as their hair. The leprechaun is also depicted as wearing a top hat in the colour of its jacket.
The leprechaun is said to guard a pot of gold and other riches. This "pot" was normally a cauldron and would be buried for safekeeping. Legend holds that the location of such a place would be found at the end of a rainbow. Legend also has it that if you capture a leprechaun he must tell you where he keeps his gold. Where he gets his gold is a matter of serious debate.
Some believe that the leprechauns brought the gold from where they came, whereas others think he is paid by faeries for his work. Some believe they are nothing more than common thieves, whilst many think they took gold from the riches the Vikings left behind after pillaging the Emerald Isle. There is no hard evidence proving any of these theories, and until a leprechaun tells the story of his gold, it will remain hidden to us.
Whatever the truth, the leprechauns have a few jobs. The first and foremost is to make shoes. They make shoes for other faeries, and are the paid for their services. The second is to guard their money. They may do this in several ways. Firstly, they may bury their riches in the ground. They also carry two coins. One is silver and will always return to the leprechaun's pocket, and the other is gold. This coin is used to buy the leprechaun out of sticky situations. However, after leaving the leprechaun, it will dissipate into dust.  The reason they guard their riches is due to humans. Leprechauns see them as selfish and greedy, never to be trusted.
There are ways to trick the leprechaun out of its gold however. If you catch one it is obliged to tell you where it keeps its gold, and from there on you are rich. However, catching one is not as easy as it sounds. They are slippery creatures, and the best way to catch one is when it is busy making shoes. They are constantly looking for a way out, and unless asked direct questions, will use their cunning to get out of a difficult situation. His hat also enables him to completely disappear.
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Monday 3 June 2013

Slavic Dragons

The Slavic dragon is found all over eastern Europe. Poland, ex-Yugoslavian states, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia are all Slavic nations. The ex-Soviet states in Europe are also of Slavic descent, however, only western Russia is Slavic. The Slavic people originated in north-eastern Europe, around the Baltic coast. After the fall of the Roman Empire they migrated all over eastern Europe, mainly due to pressure from invading tribes such as the Vandals and Huns. Many settled in today's Russia and Poland, but the majority continued into the Balkans. No Slavs made it to Greece however, due to fierce resistance from both locals and the Byzantine Empire.
The Slavic dragon can be divided into two distinct groups. These are the East Slavic and the South Slavic. The South Slavic can be further divided into two sub-species; the Zmaj (also known as the Zmej or Żmij), and the Aždaja or Aždaha. The East Slavic is called the Zmey Gorynych.
The Zmey Gorynych is found in Russia and the Ukraine. It has three heads and some legends state that they could regrow if severed, much like the Hydra of Greek mythology. It is covered in green scales, and walks on its two hind paws.Its front paws are considerably smaller than its rear ones. It has the ability to breathe fire, and is lethal if it can reach you.
The Zmey Gorynych is usually evil, and is not very intelligent. It is said to have some intelligence; enough to trick its victims, but not enough to escape unscathed from a particularly obvious trap. They also have large wings enabling them to fly, and their huge size is a great advantage in battle. The only way to defeat the dragon is to cut all three heads off before they can grow back. Legend tells that the head can only grow back if there is at least one head remaining. The Zmey Gorynych was not defeated until Dobrynya Nikitich after three days and three hours. It is said he was about to give up until he received a message from Heaven.
The majority of Russian dragons however are Mongol in style, due to the enormous influence of the "Golden Horde".
The Zmaj is found predominantly in Slovenia, and appears on the coat of arms of Ljubljana. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. They appear related to legends of Saint George, as the dragons appear to look very similar. Unlike their eastern counterpart they are very intelligent, possessing great knowledge of the present, future, and past. They are also often benevolent and do not always harm humans, despite several legends. for example, the dragon of Ljubljana is said to protect the city from enemies, guarding it in times of need.
The Zmaj is able to breathe fire, and has other magical abilities. They have great strength, and are always very rich. They hoard jewels, gold, and other items of worth, and often have a great castle. They are able to mate with mortal women, and many heroes are said to be the result of a union between a dragon and a mortal. If a particular individual becomes famous enough, he is often deified as a Dragon. An example is Vlad III Dracula, who, after his death, was said to be a member of the Order of the Dragon. Many Slavs became deified as dragons after fighting Turkic invaders such as the Mongols and Ottoman Empire.
The final dragon is the Aždaja. It is not always considered to be a dragon, in fact it is the exact opposite. Unlike the dragon it is filled with evil and black magic, unable to do good. it lurks in formidable places; unreachable and dark. Some legends tell that Saint George slew this creature rather than the Zmaj. The Aždaja is able to breathe fire also, and is often depicted with several heads. The number of heads can vary from 3 to 9.
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Thursday 30 May 2013


The hydra is a giant beast found in Ancient Greek mythology. It was later adopted by the Roman conquerors. The full name of the hydra is the Lernaean Hydra, as it lived in the lake of Lerna. This lake is situated near the village of Myloi, at the Gulf of Argolis in the Peloponnese region of Greece. The lake was supposedly surrounded by trees and swamps, where the hydra spent much of its time.
The hydra is the offspring of the Titan Typhon and Echidna; a half serpent half human creature. It had nine heads of which the middle was immortal. Every time a head was severed another two popped up in its place. The hydra was essentially a giant sea serpent living in the swamps of Lernae. It had scales to protect its thick hide, and the skin was tough like leather. Only the very sharpest swords and spears could pierce the hydra. The hydra also had the ability to kill people with its breath. Its breath was so vile that it was poisonous to nearly all creatures; the fumes intoxicating everything in sight.
The hydra terrorised the local villages and farms, killing many cattle and people. It supposedly guarded an underwater entrance to the Underworld, and often ventured from its duties. The people were powerless to stop it, watching as their livelihoods and even loved ones were taken and ripped apart. Many tried, but none could kill the beast.
One day another man tried. his name was Heracles (or Hercules if you prefer the Roman version). With his nephew Iolaus he attempted to slay the beast once and for all. The reason for this was because it was one of his Twelve Labours, a set of tasks he was forced to do as redemption for killing his wife and children. To kill the Lernaean Hydra was his Second Labour.
Several times Heracles cut off one of the hydra's heads, but each time two grew back. Then Iolaus suggested Heracles should burn each neck after severing a head, so that the heads could not grow back. Heracles tried this, and to his delight, it worked. When Heracles came to the final head; the immortal one, he cut it off and buried it under a rock. In this way it could do no harm.
And so the hydra was vanquished, and Lernae was safe. However, the hydra was made into a constellation so that no-one would forget it. Its head is never far from the crab Cancer, which some versions of the story believe injured Heracles whilst he was fighting the hydra. Heracles then slew the crab. Hera put the crab into the sky to follow the Lion in the Zodiac.
The hydra had no descendents, and its kind was lost forever. At least that it is what the legends have us believe. There are many later references to the hydra, even recently. Perhaps it had young. What if the world found them?
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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Mermaids - Are They Real?

Mermaids. Everyone has heard of them. And there are several questions. Are they real? Why are they found all over the world? And so on... This video provides an interesting view on this very question. But, once again, feel free to make up your own mind...
For my article on Mermaids visit:


The word Banshee comes from Irish Bean-Sidhe, which means "Fairy Woman". Although the creature is most common in Ireland, it has been found all over northern Europe, primarily in Scotland and Germany. The reason for this goes back to ancient times. The Celts were an ancient people originating from an area in modern Germany and the Low Countries. They spread over Europe, eventually settling in the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul (modern France), Germania (modern Germany), the Balkans and Dacia/Thrace/Illyria (roughly Romania, Bulgaria, European Turkey, and what was Yugoslavia), northern Italy, the British Isles, parts of Scandinavia, and even Turkey. However, in Turkey they only settled in one area, Galatia, which is roughly central Turkey today. The capital of Turkey Ankara was once known as Ancyra and was the regional capital of Galatia. The Celts only spread to southern Germany however, as Germanic tribes were related but had their own national identity. Some of the more famous Celtic tribes included the Iceni, the Arverni, the Aedui, the Belgae, and the Celtiberians, located in modern day Britain, France, France, Belgium/France/Britain, and Spain respectively.
However, with the rise of the Greek nations and the Roman Empire, it all began to change. Hellenic influence was greatly reflected in local traditions, beliefs, and infrastructure. Despite this, the majority of the Celtic tribes kept their national identity and distinct individuality. Unfortunately a new power arose. A power that would displace nearly every tribe, kingdom, or nation in Ancient Europe, as well as reaching into Africa and even Asia. This new super-power was the Romans. With their advanced armies they vanquished all who stood before them, and it was in this way that Gaul (France), Iberia, and Britannia were conquered. The only Celts left were the Irish, the Scottish, and the Germanic peoples of the north. The reason for this was quite complex. There were many campaigns against the Germans and Scottish, but they could never be brought to heel. The Irish however were different. The Romans had no interest in conquering them. There is now substantial evidence that they did trade with the natives, but no Roman army ever landed in Ireland. Why this is is uncertain.
This is why the Banshee remains more well-known in Germany, Scotland, and Ireland. They are the only places never conquered. whilst everywhere else Roman and then Christian beliefs took over, the Ancient ways remained dominant in these few corners. Christianity did eventually take over, but ancient traditions remained.
The Banshee was an ancient spirit of the Celtic world. The Banshee was always female, but sometimes depicted as a young woman or an elderly woman. They were usually dressed in green, with a grey cloak. The Banshee was not always seen. Often, it was her wailing that could be heard in the darkest night. It was this wailing that foretold death, usually of an important figure.
Some Banshees were tied to a particular family, normally the most ancient Irish and Scottish ones. Others were mere loners, wandering the Earth forevermore. When someone was about to die, the Banshee would begin crying and wailing, warning people of the imminent doom. Some Banshees were spirits of a dead witch, others were fairies cursed to this fate. Others were mere mortals, twisted and cursed by evil.
Banshees are not evil. They have been called Lady of Peace, for they never harm any living being. They often attend the funerals of the dead, invisible, and their wailing mixing with the mourning families. the Banshees have spread to wherever there are Celtic people, including America. They have such a strong tie with the Irish, they followed them across the Atlantic Ocean.
Some Banshees are able to turn into animals. These include the crow, the hare, and others usually affiliated with witchcraft. A popular theory is that this is a trait leftover from when they were witches. this would explain why only some have the ability.
There have been many accounts of Banshees, both recent and old. However, they are now considered a myth with no hard evidence to support their existence. The wails are cries of the Barn Owl, a nocturnal creature common in Europe, particularly Ireland. Make up your own mind.
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Friday 24 May 2013

Vietnamese Dragons

The Vietnamese Dragon is found all over South-East Asia. The Vietnamese people are supposedly descended from a dragon and a fairy in an ancient creation legend. The Vietnamese dragon is much influenced by the Chinese Dragon due to Chinese control in Antiquity. There are some vital differences however. The features of its physical appearance vary from its Chinese counterpart, and their traits and personalities also differ slightly.
The Vietnamese dragon is constructed from nine animals that we have all heard of. These are the Chameleon, the Tiger, the Carp, the Giant Stag, the Eagle, the Hare, the Buffalo, the Snake, and the Clam. The head is of the chameleon, the scales are of the carp, the horns of a giant stag, the eyes of a hare, the neck of a snake, the belly of a clam, the feet of a tiger, and the talons of an eagle.
The Vietnamese dragon is a deity of the sky, guarding the heavens. However, it has the ability to live under water, in the tallest mountains, underground, and on our level. This is because they are immortal, never dying. It is believed that it has spittle that can turn an object or creature into fire or water. It only does this when seriously provoked by an aggressor.
It is because the dragon is a creature of power and majesty that the Vietnamese royal family made them a symbol of royalty and power, as well as wealth. It is the noblest of all creatures and the most important of the four Great Creatures of Vietnam. Unfortunately the dragon could also be the most dangerous of all creatures. Its body was designed to be a lethal weapon. Even if someone were able to hurt the dragon, they would be in for a great surprise. Fury would envelope the creature, and his wrath would be devastating. Crops would fail, and the rivers would become dry. Even the air became stale, and the plague spread like wild fire. The Vietnamese dragon was not an aggressive beast however. It was fierce and powerful, but never attacked unless provoked or hungry.
It is now thought that the Vietnamese dragon was greatly influenced by the Chinese dragon, but key characteristics are clearly linked to species of lizard found in Vietnam. This explanation appears to fit, and the modern community believe the creature is concocted from native creatures. Many locals however still believe that the Dragon is very real, and their minds will not be changed. Make up your own mind; is the Vietnamese dragon real?

Monday 20 May 2013


The Faun or Satyr is known to many of us. Most of you will have heard of the Land of Narnia and Mr Tumnus, the faun who befriended Lucy. The Faun is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Satyr. The Satyrs have been found in all places in Greece and Hesperia (Italian Peninsula). They prefer mountainous regions with many forests. They often sleep in caves, but spend much of their day among the trees. Their body features allow them to move across mountain and forest with ease, but city and town life would be disastrous for them.
There are several features that make a Satyr obvious. Firstly, they are only half human. Their waist downwards is that of a goat. Their torso and head is of a human, but on their head they have very curly hair, with two small goat horns emerging from their skull. All Satyrs are male. Their backs are usually very hairy, and always go around in the nude. Their goat legs are enough to cover any genitalia. Their hooves are much like a domestic goat's. They are not as hard as a horse's, but perfect for climbing boulders. They will never wear shoes like a horse or human. Satyrs never shave, and do not cut their hair. Their hair does not grow down, rather it curls around their skull like a thicket.
As all Satyrs are male you may think they will end up extinct. This is not possible, as they do breed. They mate with the Dryads and Nymphs, who are all female. They are the water and forest spirits, and near impossible to catch sight of. Any female offspring will always be a Dryad or Nymph, and the male offspring will always be a Satyr.
The Satyr goes through a similar process in puberty as humans. When they are young they have no beard and less pubic hair, but as they approach their teenage years it begins to change. Satyrs may live for a considerable time, and puberty can vary with each Satyr. The process usually begins about an eighth of the way through their lives. They begin to grow a beard, and pubic hair emerges. Their hairless backs become forests of fur. Horns begin to make their way out of the Satyr's skull, and grows every year. A Satyr begins life with no horns, but when they die they may have long curled ones. the horns never stop growing, which is why the bigger the horns the older and (sometimes) wiser they are.
The Satyrs follow the gods Dionysus and Pan, or as the Romans put it, Bacchus and Pan. Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, and the Satyrs are often seen surrounding him, as they are mischievous and in character much like him. Pan is the god of nature and forests, so it seems only natural the Satyrs would flock around him. The Satyrs also follow Silenus, and his donkey. Silen is an ever-drunken figure, who Dionysus and the Satyrs are often associated with.
The Satyrs are also very famous and well-known for another reason. The flute. It is rare to spot a Satyr, but if you do it will probably be playing the flute. They are famed for their night-time dances. Whether it is summer or winter, the Satyrs will be in a forest playing flutes and dancing to the music, more often than not with one of the gods and a few Nymphs.
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Saturday 18 May 2013


The Cyclops is a giant originating in Greek mythology. It is said to be humanoid in appearance, although the features of its face are considerably different. They were found in the various islands of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Some legends state that they also lived on some of the islands in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Cyclopes preferred mountainous habitats, where they could live in large caves. For this reason many migrated to the Balkans in Northern Greece, also known as the province or region of Macedonia (Makedonia).
The Cyclopes were one of several species of giants. The original three were said to come from the union of Gaea and Uranus. They were thrown into Tartarus when the Titans took control, but with the Olympian gods' rise to power they were released. In turn they provided Zeus with his thunderbolt, Poseidon with his Trident, and Hades with his Helm of Invisibility. The later Titans were descendants of Poseidon, and many of the Ancient Legends focusing on the Cyclopes are based around the latter group.
The sons of Poseidon had two main professions. They either helped work in his palace under the ocean's surface, or raised flocks of sheep on mountainous islands. They were sometimes hired out to work for Hephaestus, usually in volcanoes where they could forge various items more easily.
The Cyclopes were different from other giants in only a couple of things. The first was that the Cyclopes were not dumb or stupid. They were able to forge magnificent contraptions, and yet still humble enough to raise sheep and goats. The other was their face. Unlike most giants and creatures human in appearance they did not have two eyes. They only had one, that was located in the middle of their foreheads. This was their only real weakness, as if they lost that eye, they could not rely on another.
Unfortunately the humans lacked respect for the Cyclopes, as did many of the other Gods. They made them out to be dumb and violent, killing them for fun. Many "heroes" such as Odysseus killed Cyclopes to prove their strength and worth. With no other option the Cyclopes began to turn to violence, killing humans upon the first meeting. They soon lost the power of being able to construct magical items, and became a barbaric peoples, living in the hills with the goats and sheep. This had already occurred by the time Odysseus met Polyphemus.
The modern people believe that the Greeks believed Dwarf Elephant skulls were heads of Cyclopes. The skulls are twice the size of a human's, and a large nasal cavity could easily be mistaken for an eye socket. These skulls have been found on the islands of Crete and Sicily, and with the islanders lack of knowledge, it would not be obvious as to what they really were. Thus, the legends were born. There are many other theories as to the origins of the Cyclops, but it is likely we will never know. Make up your own mind.
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Tuesday 14 May 2013

Korean Dragons

The Korean Dragons are nearly as popular and well-known as the Chinese and Japanese dragons. There are several vital differences however. Firstly, the Korean species have four toes on each foot. They also have the eyes of a rabbit and the underbelly of a frog. They always have 81 scales on their back, and are usually 50 feet long (15.24 metres) and 10 feet high (3 metres). They also have a very long beard.
Koreans believe the Eastern Dragon originated in the Korean Peninsula and spread all over Asia. When it traveled to China it gained a toe, but as it traveled to Japan it lost two toes. This is said to be why the Oriental species never reached America or Europe; they lost all their toes as they flew.
The Korean Dragons are divided into three subspecies. These are the Yong, the Yo, and the Kyo. They are sky, ocean, and mountain dragons respectively. The Yong is the most common and also the most powerful. They protect the upper realms. The Yo have no horns and guard the underwater kingdoms. The Kyo live in the mountains. Korean Dragons are more aggressive than their Chinese counterparts. They do not help humans as much, preferring simply to guard the kingdoms of the world or live in solidarity.
All Korean Dragons eat similar things. They often prey on small creatures such as mammals, and their particular favourite is the Musk Deer. To catch their prey they hypnotize it. To do this they sway gently in a rhythmic dance to entrance the victim. They then wrap their coils around the unfortunate creature. They squeeze, and the victim is dead within seconds. This is called constriction.
The Korean Dragons breed in large pools that are regularly heated, such as a volcanic pool. They lay their eggs in these pools where they will remain until hatched. When they hatch the babies stay in the pools. They do emerge sometimes, but will always return to the pool within a couple of hours. This is normal until they reach adulthood. Only the Yo stay in water, the others rarely visit water other than to drink.
All of this clearly shows what majestic creatures Korean Dragons are. For more information visit:

Sunday 12 May 2013


Nearly everybody in the West, if not all of the world, have heard of Medusa. Medusa is one of the three Gorgons. The Gorgons were three sisters who had the tails of serpents and their head was covered in small snakes. The rest of their bodies are humanoid in appearance. Medusa is the only mortal Gorgon, the others unable to die. However, Medusa is the only one able to turn people to stone. When they look at her they are frozen forever. Legend has it that the snakes were the cause of this, unfortunately no one but Perseus ever survived an encounter with her. It is known however that it is hear head that turns people to stone, as proven when Perseus used her head to kill King Polydectes.
Medusa and her sisters were not always monsters however. They were once beautiful women who lived in the far north of Hellas, most probably in the northern Balkans. One day Poseidon, god of the oceans, came to Medusa and they lay together. But instead of doing this act in a private place, they desecrated the Temple of Athene, or Athena. Athene was furious, and when Medusa refused to apologise, she turned Medusa and her sisters into monsters.
For many years the Greek people lived in fear of the Gorgons, particularly Medusa. That was until Perseus. Perseus was a young boy and lived with his mother in Seriphus. The King intended to force marriage upon Perseus's mother, and told Perseus to get the head of Medusa. This was the only way he would cancel the wedding. Perseus agreed and went in search of her. He received help from Athene by means of a shield that served as a mirror, enabling him to see Medusa without looking directly at her. Hermes provided him with winged sandals.
After a very long time he located the Gorgons, supposedly in northern Africa. He succeeded in killing her and managed to flee, with the other two Gorgons baying for his blood. He severed her head and took it to Polydectes. Polydectes had already married Perseus's mother, so in his fury Perseus used Medusa's head to kill Polydectes. He then gave the head to Athene. She molded the face into her shield. It is said that when Medusa was killed Pegasus emerged from her neck. Pegasus was her son, and had been growing inside her since her union with Poseidon. The other two Gorgons are said to still live in Africa.
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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Loch Ness Monster (Nessie)

The Loch Ness Monster, fondly known as Nessie by locals and the world, is a large creature that resides the Loch Ness, Scotland. Nessie is said to be a female, and reputedly has or had children. The Loch Ness is Britain's largest body of water, with all other lakes in England, Scotland and Wales being able to fit easily inside. It does not have the greatest surface area, but it is by far the deepest. Loch Ness is in northern Scotland, and the eastern edge is only a few miles from Inverness.
The Loch Ness Monster looks like a giant sea serpent, although specific details have varied from account to account. What is generally agreed upon I will state here: The Loch Ness Monster has a very long neck and body, as well as a head that looks like one of a horse. It has no feet, instead it has giant flippers, like a seal. Its tail is also very long and is similar to that of a serpent. The Loch Ness Monster is a reptile, it has no fur, only scales. She is also approximately 40 feet long.
The Loch Ness Monster is said to have three young. These were spotted by two young fishermen, and since then many have been spotted. Although it is highly unlikely that the Loch Ness Monster could be the only one of her kind since 500 C.E., many believe she is the only one. Others believe that there is a large self-sustaining population hiding in the Loch. The old legends say that Scotland used to be lots of islands, but then they moved together. This was around the time of the dinosaurs. A small group of plesiosaurs became trapped and their descendents have lived there ever since. The legend holds that when the dinosaurs and sea reptiles were wiped out, the Loch Ness plesiosaurs survived.
Another popular theory is that there is a underwater tunnel between the Loch and the sea, and the plesiosaurs can come and go. It was this ability to come and go that had prevented them from being affected by the Mass Extinction and now the prevention of humans finding them.
The first sighting of Nessie is from the sixth century A.D., when an Irish monk was walking by the lake. Some locals were burying a man, and they explained they had seen a great beast kill him. The first modern sighting however took place in 1933. George Spicer had been driving around in a car with his wife as he saw a dragon-like monster lumber across the road. Ever since then the press and public alike have been fascinated with the Loch Ness Monster. Many sightings have taken place, unfortunately however, many people have simply been part of a hoax.
Today the world is split in three. There are those who believe there is no such thing as Nessie, then there are those who are unsure, and finally, those who are adamant the Loch Ness Monster is very real. Make up your own mind, but beware, many people take someone saying Nessie is a fake very seriously, and may be deeply offended!
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Thursday 2 May 2013

Japanese Dragon

The Japanese dragon is very similar to the Chinese dragon. Many historians now believe that the Japanese dragon was in fact influenced by the Chinese and Korean Dragons but were subtly altered to fit the Japanese style. Instead of having four toes like the Chinese dragon, the Japanese counterpart has only three. In Japan the dragon was one of the four creatures that guarded a direction; East. The Japanese dragon is affiliated with spring, the colour green, water and wood, and the virtue of propriety.
The Japanese dragon is also made of nine creatures that are known by all men to be real. These are; the neck of a snake, the head of a camel, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a rabbit, the ears of an ox, the underbelly of a clam, the scales of a fish, the paws of a tiger, and the claws of an eagle. The Japanese dragons have the ability to shape-shift or "morph" into any creature they wish. They may also turn themselves invisible. It is said that when a dragon transforms itself into a human it can lie with another human and either fall pregnant or cause the human to fall pregnant. In this way the Imperial Family of Japan has been created, as they claim to be descended from a union of a dragon princess and a mortal man.
Japanese Dragons symbolise many things. They have become the protector of the Buddhist Law and are often affiliated with meditation and inner peace. They also symbolise the strength of the Emperor and four dragon kings rule the Seas. The Japanese Dragon is a water deity and controls the water and winds in all places. It is they who are to thank or blame for the harvest of the crops. Japanese Dragons also guard the Kingdom of the Gods.
All of this makes the Japanese Dragon worthy of great respect. It is one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos, perhaps it is. Although the Japanese uphold that the Asian Dragons originated in Japan and spread over Asia, the Chinese and Koreans uphold the opposite belief. Make up your own mind.
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Tuesday 30 April 2013


The Kraken is an ancient beast that has been incorporated into modern popular culture. The Scandinavian, Icelandic, and Greenlandic peoples told stories of a great beast that lived in the icy waters. It seems that they only lived around Norway and Greenland, as the other regions seem to have been clear of the Kraken. According to myth there was only one or two Kraken alive at one point in time. One theory was that when the only Kraken died an egg would be laid. The effort of producing the egg would kill the old Kraken. The other theory is that there are only two Kraken and that they are unable to reproduce. They are supposedly immortal, or live to be many thousands of years old.
The Kraken is usually depicted as squid or octopus-like, but much bigger. It is said to grow to a phenomenal size. The tentacles may reach 900 feet, or 374 metres, and their body length remains a mystery. They can be as wide as 500 feet, 152 metres. They have often been mistaken for islands when they are at the surface and unwitting sailors have landed, hoping to find food or water. Unfortunately for them the Kraken prefers to reside in the deep depths of the ocean, and moist sailors are killed. The Kraken rarely surfaces, and even then it is only for around an hour.
The Kraken usually eats large squid and whales, however if hungry it has been known to kill humans. It hunts by wrapping its giant tentacles around the victim and either crushing it or holding it so it can begin the process of eating it alive. In its mouth there are hundreds of thousands of teeth, all of them very sharp and deadly tools for ripping apart flesh. When a Kraken becomes so hungry it feeds on humans it does it in a simple way. It swims below the ship, and then rises. It uses its tentacles to grab the ship and crush it. It will then feed on the drowning humans, although the majority meet a watery death without the Kraken ever touching it. It is also said that the foul breath of a Kraken can be smelled several miles away, but the water prevents the scent from reaching the ship, allowing the Kraken to creep up on them.
Now it is assumed that legends of the Kraken originated from the Giant Squid, which preferred to stay in the deep, but was sometimes sited near the surface. Whatever the truth, beware of the Kraken!
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Saturday 27 April 2013

Merfolk (Mermaids and Mermen)

Legends of the Merfolk have surrounded us all our lives. Everywhere there are stories of half human, half fish, creatures of the sea. All around the world tales of these creatures have been heard. Some depict them as beings of the light, others see them as malicious and evil. The Merfolk are both male and female, although the latter is more common. Often, when a ship is lost at sea, they become delusional, and spin tales of legendary beasts. Many consider the Merfolk to be one such creature. But the fact that they have been found in all corners of the Earth, that is enough to convince many they were, or are, real.
The Merfolk are human in appearance from the waist up, but from their hips and below they have the tail of a fish. The scales on this tail can vary in colour, from green to red and blue. Some are even multicoloured. The most common seem to be a sea-green. The torso of the creature is hominid in appearance, however, on their back is a dorsal fin, the colour being the same as their tail. Not all Merfolk have a dorsal fin however, it appears that only the elders do. The hair of the beast may vary in colour, from brown to green. The hair is usually long, and the females, the Mermaids, spend much time looking after it.
The Mermaids are said to have beautiful voices, which have often lured people to their deaths. They lay on rocks and sing, to entice passing ships. No sane man can resist the sound and they often steer the vessel toward the sound, where they are crushed upon the rocks. It is also said that if one of the Merfolk were to wash onto land and could not get back to water, they would take a temporary human form, to allow them to find water. Another legend holds that the kiss of a Mermaid will prevent a man from drowning, and many have attempted to capture one for this. It would mean that they could dive for lost treasures and never drown.
Modern opinion suggests that the Merfolk were invented by sailors lost at sea. One popular modern belief says that Sea Cows or Manatees were mistaken for Mermaids and Mermen. Another says that when men were lost at sea they became disillusioned and began seeing beautiful creatures in the distance. Merfolk were also used to explain shipwrecks in otherwise safe areas. But that does not explain how Merfolk reside in all corners of the world. Make up your own mind.
For more information visit:

Tuesday 23 April 2013

African Dragon

The African Dragon is not very well known. Few Westerners have heard of the lost beasts of the Great Continent, the Oriental and European species are much more popular. They have been mentioned in the far south to Ethiopia and Egypt in the north. Many central tribes decorated their masks and costumes with features of these dragons. However, these tribes are vanishing, as foreign influences become ever stronger.
The African Dragon differentiates from its European and Eastern counterparts in many aspects. The size is the first thing. They are 10.7 metres (35 feet) in length. The majority were serpentine, like the American Dragons, but they all had legs. There was a variety in the number of legs, but mainly two and four. It was said that only those with four legs could fly, whereas the two-legged varieties were floor-bound. The colour of African Dragons varied from green to gold, and some even had scales of all shades between.
Another difference was their diet. They usually ate only African Elephants, preferring nothing else. In Ethiopia elephants were rare, so two dragons entwined themselves and formed a raft to Arabia. When an elephant approached they pounced. African Dragons did sometimes eat other meat, but only if they were very hungry. If they felt threatened they would also kill, and rather than waste food, they would eat the carcass. They rarely attacked humans, unless in self-defence. Otherwise, humans and dragons lived peacefully alongside each other.
African Dragons did not hoard treasures or precious metals such as gold. Instead, they had a special stone in their brains, called the Dracontias. The Dracontias gave the dragon the ability to fly and also gave them magical powers. The stone had healing properties, and if a human village was struck by plague, the village elders would often approach the local dragon for help. They usually gave the dragon gifts such as the village's best elephant.
If the dragon died the stone became useless, losing all of its properties. The only way to obtain the stone would be to drug the dragon and cut its skull, gently removing the stone. This is only possible as the stone is not necessary for the survival of the dragon. However, many times the removal process went wrong and the dragon died, rendering the Dracontias useless.
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Thursday 18 April 2013


The Minotaur is one of the most famous mythical creatures of all time. There is only one, and lived in Mycenaean Crete. Crete is an island part of and south of Greece. It is the largest island in the Aegean Sea. The Mycenaean Age was long before the Romans, and around the same time as Troy. Crete was the most advanced civilization of the time and gathered tributes from various Greek City-States. Athens was one of these. They had to send seven young men and seven young women to be sent to the Minotaur.
The Minotaur was born of a union between the wife of King Minos, Pasiphae, and a bull. Minos was supposed to sacrifice his prize bull to Poseidon, but decided not to. Poseidon was furious, and caused Pasiphae to become infatuated with the bull. One night she slept with the bull, and nine months later gave birth to a monster. The monster was the Minotaur. It had the body of a large man that was much hairier than a normal man. It had the head of a bull, with huge curved horns, and the legs and feet of a bull. It was very strong, and uncontrollable, killing many. It often wielded a large axe, and went naked apart from a loincloth.
Minos built a large labyrinth under the capital Knossos to house the Minotaur. The men and women from Athens were forced to enter the Labyrinth and face the beast with no weapons or armour. No-one survived. One year, Theseus, Prince of Athens, offered to slay the Minotaur by disguising himself as one of the victims. The tribute arrived in Knossos and were shown to their rooms; they were to enter the Labyrinth the next morning. The daughter of Minos, Ariadne, however fell in love with Theseus. She gave him a sword to slay the Minotaur and a ball of string so he would not get lost in the Labyrinth, on the promise that he would take her with him when he fled Crete. Theseus accepted.
When Theseus entered the Labyrinth he succeeded in finding the Minotaur and slaying it. After finding his way out of the Labyrinth he expected to have to flee, however, Minos was so grateful for Theseus slaying the Minotaur that he let Theseus go, and ended the tribute agreement. He also allowed Theseus to take Ariadne to Athens to wed her. On the way home, however, Ariadne mysteriously disappeared.
The Minotaur was gone forever, but the legends lived on. One theory is that the Minotaur lives on, only concussed when fighting Theseus. He has vowed for revenge, and if you visit the ruins of Knossos, you can hear his roar of anger. Beware.
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Tuesday 16 April 2013


The zombie came from West African local beliefs. These are collectively called voodoo, and have now spread all over the world, particularly the Caribbean. Haiti in the Caribbean has the largest number of Voodoo practitioners apart from Western Africa. The zombie is an undead creature. This means they are neither dead nor alive. Zombies are created when a sorcerer gives a man a potion made from the poison of a puffer fish, one of the most deadly poisons known to man. This causes them to go to the brink of death, without actually dying. They are often severely damaged and under the sorcerer's command. They are no more than slaves, and are usually created to serve.
To get rid of a zombie you must feed it salt. They will "awaken", and realise what is happening. They will than return to their grave and die. However, if the zombie is not given salt, it will not last forever. Beliefs indicate that is a temporary being, and God will take its soul. The zombie will suddenly die.
In modern society the zombie is depicted as a brain-eating monster; uncontrollable and evil. This differentiates greatly from the original beliefs, and is therefore inaccurate. Modern society also has the belief that another way to kill it is to  destroy its brain in any means possible. They have become popular in films, TV shows, and books; particularly comics.
There have been several claims that zombies are very real. There have been numerous cases where the body tissue has been inexplicably damaged, and the person should be long dead. The victims have also shown signs of unnatural clumsiness and "stupidity". However, scientists have dismissed this as hoaxes and lies. They refuse to do further research into the matter, adamant that there will be no truth or sufficient evidence to prove the theory.
Whatever the truth, it is unlikely anyone will ever know. Make up your own mind... Are they real? Or is it just a myth?
For more information visit:


My apologies for not posting in a while. I have been preoccupied with other things and have not got around to updating the blog. Expect regular updates from now. Many thanks for your patience.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Mediterranean Dragon

The Mediterranean Dragon is much like a Chinese or Asian dragon. However, it will never have wings and is more serpentine. As the name suggests they were found around the Mediterranean basin, but mainly in Italy and Greece. They vary in colour, although usually they are a dark green. Some say that their colours are those of their mother's eyes. These snake-like dragons can grow up to 180 feet, or 55 metres.
Unfortunately the Mediterranean dragons were nearly wiped out after the Phoenicians and Mycenaean Greeks began expanding their territories. In Greece they were wiped out completely by 1000 b.c.e., but not until 350 c.e. in the rest of the basin. When the Romans spread over the Mediterranean region they killed many dragons in attempt to protect their livestock and to remove a major threat to their growing empire.
Tales of these great beasts survived many millennia, and grew into ancient legends. Both the Romans and Greeks told of ancient serpents of a humungous size,that could eat many men whole. There are stories of how one dragon guarded the Golden Fleece, and another more well known one of the great Hydra. As one of his twelve tasks Heracles had to defeat the Hydra.
The Mediterranean Dragons usually ate livestock such as sheep and cattle which caused humans to develop a deep hatred for the dragons. They also ate deer and goats, which greatly affected the local farming industry. Because of this fear and hatred humans began killing the dragons and collecting various body parts. The teeth and scales were of particular value and could make a poor farmer's fortune should he sell one.
Unfortunately there is not much else known about this extinct species, but for more information, visit:

Saturday 16 March 2013


A phoenix is a mythical bird originating from the Levant and Persian regions. The Phoenician peoples of modern Israel and Syria were in fact named after the phoenix. It was their sacred creature and the symbol of strength. The Phoenicians set up colonies all across the Mediterranean basin, and with this the legend of the Phoenix spread. One of the most well-known colonies is Carthage, or Karthadistam. They even created their own empire before being vanquished by the Romans. The legend of the phoenix spread fast and far. Many local tribes adopted the phoenix into their own beliefs, and when they united or became powerful they spread the myth further. One such example is the Russians. They are descended from Vikings, Cossacks, Germanic peoples, and local tribes. However, many Russian myths now involve fire-birds or phoenixes. There is even a city in the USA named Phoenix.
The phoenix is a large bird, usually the size of an eagle. It has golden feathers and is surrounded by harmless fire, unless the phoenix desires it to be used as a tool. Their feathers are highly valued, often being sold for much more than diamonds. The phoenix is not immortal, nor invincible. Every five hundred years they combust and turn into ashes. After a few days they re-emerge as a new-born chick. There is only ever one or two phoenixes alive in the world at one time, and they do not have a gender.
The phoenix is a peaceful bird, preferring solidarity to company. They hide out in large forests where no one may find them. However, if a phoenix is found in captivity it will usually reside in a great king's palace. They are very loyal unless mistreated, and if set free will often wander back to its last home. In captivity they do however need a large space to be able to fly, and a place in the roof where they may roost or hide when tired or scared.
A phoenix will also be able to tell where it is anywhere. If you lived in Russia and placed the phoenix in the USA without letting it see where it was going, it would be back within a few days. This ability is very valuable to tribes attempting to further their borders and needing to get home, or explorers finding their way back from foreign lands. They are also valuable if you have crossed an ocean such as the Atlantic and need to return home. All in all the phoenix is highly intelligent and a most prized possession.
For more information visit:

Monday 11 March 2013


Centaurs or Hippocentaurs are creatures with the body, legs and tail of a horse, and the chest, arms, and head of a human. They can be both male and female, although the masculine gender appears to be more common. The body of the centaur is often chestnut in colour, and the hair on its head is usually a dark brown. Variations are however present, with light brown and even white/cream centaurs seen. Both genders do not cut their hair on their heads, treating it as the hair on their backs. It is often left untied, although in war it is sometimes tied in a "pony-tail" for convenience. They often lived for over several hundred years, and in this time could make a great impact on the world around them.
There are two main groups of centaurs. One are violent and often drunk whereas the other are wise and noble. The former group are supposedly cousins to the latter group, although their behaviours differ greatly. The former are violent and often in a state of drunkenness. They are not however evil. Their temper is short and they will look for any excuse to get in a fight, and when questioned about it they will simply attack the one unwise enough to have dared to ask. It is probably best to avoid these creatures!
On the contrary, the latter group are said to be very wise and noble, rarely fighting, even in wars, unless for just causes. They spend the majority of their time stargazing, from which they are able to divine as to what will happen in the near and distant future. Many prophecies are created by the centaurs for the future of the world, and they often come to pass. They are also skilled in healing and medicinal herbs. They actually taught the Greek god Asclepius of healing and medicine his trade. These centaurs are often well read and very philosophical.
These two groups of centaurs were used to show by the Greeks and Romans how there were many evil horse-riding barbarians who would not listen to reason, they only plundered cities, and how some could be traded with; they could be important allies and a good supplier in various resources abundant in their regions. All centaurs carry the bow and arrow, which again symbolises the barbaric peoples of the north.
In medieval times opinion continued to be divided about the nature of the centaurs, although many used them as a heraldic creature. This meant they were placed on coats of arms and family emblems. In modern times the centaur is seen as a wise creature, who taught great heroes such as Achilles how to not just fight, but how to win. They also taught the heroes the arts of philosophy and reading.
Perhaps the most well known centaur is the constellation Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a constellation in the sky, often associated with the period from mid-November to mid-December in the Zodiac cycle. Sagittarius was originally Chiron, immortal teacher of Achilles. After receiving a terrible wound he gave up his immortality rather than live with eternal pain. After his death Zeus, king of the Olympian gods made him into the well known constellation.
For more information visit:

Thursday 7 March 2013

American Dragon (North, Central and South)

The Americas have their very own dragon. These are depicted as feathered serpents, with no legs. Sometimes they have feathered wings, others do not. They come in all colours, from blue to red. They are much like overgrown snakes, and even have forked tongues.
In the Americas the gods are often depicted as dragons or serpentine creatures. Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec god of wisdom and religion. Toltecs, Mayans and other Mesoamerican tribes and cultures also worshipped him. His very name means feathered serpent, and he is often depicted as a great feathered serpent. He is also the god of the winds, and his dragon form allows him to move freely with the wind.
The Olmec tribe of Mesoamerica were the first to create carvings and images of a feathered serpent in the Americas, and soon most tribes from the Northern USA to the bottom of the Andes in South America were using dragons in their artwork. Deifying them soon followed.
American dragons are often gods of wind and water. Being fast-moving themselves, it only seems right that they should be the deities of something just as  fast-paced. The indigenous peoples often sacrificed to the gods, and the dragons were some of the most important. When something of a good nature occurred, such as a good harvest, the tribes thanked them with sacrifices and festivals.
The more settled empires of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, as well as others, saw the dragon as the most powerful being alive. Some saw the sun as a great golden god, giving light to the people below. Others saw the dragon as the one who swallowed the sun at dusk and spat it back out at dawn. They believed that if the dragons did not do this there would be no night, and the people would not sleep. If the people did not sleep they would be too tired to work and the tribe would soon vanish. The dragons are responsible for allowing us to sleep according to these people.
For more information please visit:

Tuesday 5 March 2013


Manticores were first mentioned by the Ancient Greeks and Middle East civilizations. They are a Persian creature, but the Greek physician Ctesias after spending several years at the court of Artaxerxes 2 of Persia took these stories back to Europe. It supposedly had the body of a red lion, a human head with three rows of teeth, like a shark, and the tail of a scorpion. The Manticore is also the size of a lion. It is also sometimes depicted with bat-like wings.
Manticores are carnivores, meaning they only eat meat. They devour their prey whole, not even leaving the bones. To kill their prey they use their poisonous tails to paralyze the victim. For some unknown reason all manticores appear to be male, it is therefore unknown as to how they breed, although there is a popular theory that both the male and female genders look the same. As the manticores are too dangerous cryptozoologists can not verify this.
Manticores have now been sighted all over the world, including South America and Indonesia. They seem to have spread worldwide, although most sightings are still in the Persian/Iranian region. Many have made the mistake of thinking the manticore was a man from a distance, as the head was all that was visible. Very few survive an encounter with a manticore, and those that do never wish to go out again. So beware, don't mistake a manticore for a man or lion. You will be very sorry!
For more information visit: