The phoenix is a large bird, usually the size of an eagle. It has golden feathers and is surrounded by harmless fire, unless the phoenix desires it to be used as a tool. Their feathers are highly valued, often being sold for much more than diamonds. The phoenix is not immortal, nor invincible. Every five hundred years they combust and turn into ashes. After a few days they re-emerge as a new-born chick. There is only ever one or two phoenixes alive in the world at one time, and they do not have a gender.
The phoenix is a peaceful bird, preferring solidarity to company. They hide out in large forests where no one may find them. However, if a phoenix is found in captivity it will usually reside in a great king's palace. They are very loyal unless mistreated, and if set free will often wander back to its last home. In captivity they do however need a large space to be able to fly, and a place in the roof where they may roost or hide when tired or scared.
A phoenix will also be able to tell where it is anywhere. If you lived in Russia and placed the phoenix in the USA without letting it see where it was going, it would be back within a few days. This ability is very valuable to tribes attempting to further their borders and needing to get home, or explorers finding their way back from foreign lands. They are also valuable if you have crossed an ocean such as the Atlantic and need to return home. All in all the phoenix is highly intelligent and a most prized possession.
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